Vonda's Vlog

Eclectic; like life.

Honest about life's surprises and inspired by contemplative practices, Vonda's Vlog explores the heart of what makes people and their projects tick, tremor, and trend.

Pigs Eat Wolves Coming Online Soon

Feb 27, 2020

10th Dot is bringing Pigs Eat Wolves; Going into partnership with your dark side online soon. Stay tuned. Make sure you receive updates and announcements here. Don't worry, we don't spam you. 

Here's a list of several tools we practice, teach, and coach others to use. 


Vonda's Zigzagging across the USA in 2020

Feb 24, 2020

Here's a map of the cities I know I'll be visiting during my 2020 trip across the USA. I'd love to add your local town if you want to chat about how we can help our health care systems prioritize patient safety.

On the road for a Valentine Wedding

Feb 15, 2020

Congrats to Martie Hatlie and Chuck Holland for their nuptials after 40 years together. I'm thrilled to celebrate with them. 

Also, we hope you love our new website, and the quieting exercises posted in FOCUSING EXERCISES.

Vonda is going on the road for several months to rally on behalf of safety in health care. Would you like to visit?

Getting Media Coverage for Your Cause

Feb 13, 2020

I'll be taking a tour across the USA over the next several months to raise a public health issue about safety for healthcare workers and patients.

In this vlog my dear pal and early career mentor, Janet Paist, offers words of wisdom about gaining media attention for your cause-related campaign. Start locally and make it a very good story!

Can you tell we have a great time together? She's such a rock in my life, and not just because she rocked it at 30 Rock (Rockefeller Plaza-NBC) for most of her broadcast career. ;-)

Is your POV obscuring your Point of Focus?

Feb 13, 2020

Take a moment to notice your Point of View (POV) on any topic. Chances are it's due for a refresh. Your POV could even be getting in the way of your POF (Point of Focus), your ultimate aim. 10th Dot helps people and organizations go beyond opinions to reach outcomes through engagement.

If you don't know what you want to experience above all else, what your Point of Focus is, try one of these suggestions:

  1. Begin to take notice of what you don't say and why. 
  2. Speak about your mistakes with someone you trust. 
  3. Be honest with yourself when you know what you want but try to deny it. 

I can usually tell when I've lost my POF. I'm usually distracted from my Point of Focus when I find myself unconsciously swiping my phone or checking email unnecessarily. When I find myself easily frustrated I ask where is my attention right now. Is it directed toward my ultimate aim, my Point of Focus? If not, I take a pause, bringing my attention to my breath to recall what matters most, then proceed with momentum toward what will help me stay very present to the intersection of what is happening alongside my POF.

What are your clues that you're not keeping your Point of Focus in play?

EPIC ChaseĀ For MyĀ Shadow

Feb 11, 2020

2020 is looking epic for Vonda as she travels from the west coast to the east coast. Three points of focus are driving this trip.

  1. Peer Review I'll be asking colleagues to watch me work publicly over the next several months and provide a transparent public peer review. I aim to get on Zoom with every person who worked with Yogiraj or me and invite them to publicly review the way I use methods from Gestalt Organizational Development, The Tradition of Himalayan Sages, Theatrical studies, as well as several Facilitation and Convening models. This is my next learning step and I'm excited to begin. Take note of my public engagements and writings over the next several months and chime in at any point about the integrity of my utilization of skills and tools for which you have lifetime achievement. More on this in future vlogs.
  2. Model transparency as an individual leader seeking massive systemic change. 
  3. Invite conversations about Patient Safety.

Medical Fog

Feb 06, 2020

Do you see a different side of yourself during doctor appointments or when you are advocating as or for a patient? Too many people have described what my dear friend and I have decided to call hospital fog. It shows up as forgetfulness, a feeling of intimidation even if someone is thoughtfully listening, or a sense of anxiety. This medical fog may happen at any medical juncture, not just in a hospital (so perhaps we need to keep working on the name.) What's your experience with medical fog?

I make house calls for Patient Safety

2020 will be spent mobilizing everyone to keep us all safe in health care. Many find it surprising that medical error is as prevalent as it is. Harm and death occur far too often while giving and receiving medical care. We can do something about this. It starts with honest conversations from households to the White House. 

Please invite me to your place of employment, worship or hold a house party for all your loved ones. Together we can make health care safe for everyone providing, supporting and receiving medical attention. 



A Perfect NYC Welcome

Dec 17, 2019

I really do HEART NYC! Thanks for the welcome musicians. And, thanks JP for bringing Berta to pick me and my huuuuge bag up from the subway. I would've made it, but your welcome was the best. 


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You can anticipate about one or two emails on average, each month.