Home stretch - dedicated to my daily inspiration, Yogiraj Charles Bates

May 31, 2020

Today, Dr. David Mayer and several of us who walked with him for all or part of 129 miles to every training ballpark around Pheonix, crossed home plate at Sloan Park, home of the Cubs. Check out this TV news coverage. You'll see me waving by. 

Like millions of people, I wake up, daystream, go to sleep, and nightdream about creating systemic change so that all life may thrive. The beloved Yogiraj Charles Bates did so too. And, he helped train hundreds of people to do so effectively.

As his wife, I had the honor of watching his dedication and skill every day for years. His family and loved ones also reaped the fruits of his passion that heralded lives and love with wisdom and competence. I ask for his guidance from beyond every day and am never disappointed. My last miles for this walk are dedicated to Yogiraj and our 'WE' (we cared for and named our relationship as an entity called WE), which continues to serve a world that benefits all with equity. If you want the skills of a master here are two online programs he created that may serve you. We Can Relate and Pigs Eat Wolves: Going into partnership with your dark side




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